Calling Christian Crafty folks! (Writers too!)
Within the framework of my simple living theme, there lies a huge desire to incorporate crafts into this blog. I have things planned for the future but for now I want to call your attention to a new community I found online for Christian crafty folk!
I was on my Facebook page one day when I was attracted to a group on Bible Art Journaling. Immediately I was amazed at the talent and the desire members had to study the Word, meditate on it and then craft away in their Bibles. You can access the group Journaling Bible Community, on Facebook. If you are from that group and found your way here, please introduce yourself. I would love to post some of your work! The idea of adding art to your Bible may be a little unusual to some. I do believe however, you will see the heart of these men and women in the Scriptural pages they design.
If you are like me and don’t quite feel like an artist (though I have a huge desire to study and learn), don’t fret. You can still do this. You’ll find many in the group who simply are trying their best and learning as they go. You’ll find others whose work probably belongs in a gallery. Awesome stuff!
From that group, I ended up in another online community known as His Kingdom Come . Within the group are two study groups for 2015, and many smaller groups built around different forms of crafts and art. There is also a Facebook group for this community under HKC-Take Me Deeper 2015. Logos365 and Take Me Deeper, are the two study groups. With one focusing on choosing your word for the year, and the other focusing on weekly devotionals, both offer a chance to join with a sub group to create something based on Scriptural prompts.
Ok, if I have not lost you, visit the link to His Kingdom (see the sidebar for direct access) and check out the site video. There are so many wonderful videos, and tutorials (paid and unpaid) within the community you may be overwhelmed. Take your time and look around, and feel free to ask them or me for help. Check out the two Facebook groups as well. I want so much for this blog to reflect the arts, and crafts community. I feel God has created artists, and employed them in this world. More to come on that later. Have fun looking at the sites! By the grace of God, I’ll be attempting to create something most weeks of the Take Me Deeper study…
Warning: Faith Art, Bible Journaling or any other craft in which you work from Biblical prompts, can be life changing. If nothing else, I can say that participating in the art community and focusing on the prompts, has caused me to meditate on the Word. And isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing?
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