What Are You Waiting for? Hoping in God
Today God delivered a healing to my husband. A suspected kidney mass, became a cyst. A word from the doctor that this was an urgent situation, became a call from the nurse who said there was nothing at all to worry about. A lot of prayer went into this situation, and the end result was a huge relief and a blessing.
What are you waiting for? Financial help? An end to sickness? A relationship to be mended? A family member to come back home? Waiting is never easy. It canĀ involve hopeĀ and expectation. It can also harbor fear, anxiety and worry. I worried all through this incident, and am not going to pretend I didn’t.
The wait actually reminds me of when I was a little kid waiting for my Dad to come home from work. I knew he would be home, and I couldn’t wait for him to show up in the driveway. Well, sometimes I can’t wait for God to show up on the scene. I pace and pace, just as I did waiting for my earthly Dad. I’m thrilled when God shows up, thrilled with the gifts and blessings He brings with Him. Often my Dad showed up with gifts, but actually even if he came home without anything, it was ok with me. He showed up. Period. Just like God. Gifts are wonderful, but my Dad didn’t have to bring them to provie his love for me and my family. Unconditional, unrelenting, undying love. Gifts you could never buy, just like the gifts God bestows.
I don’t know what you are waiting for, or asking God for. I know it may be scary and probably is not easy. You may feel hopeless, helpless, or alone in the situation. I hope you have that eager expectation that God is going to show up. I hope you are wating for, and watching for Him. Here’s a promise to cling to:
Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)
31 But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
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