Dancing with Simplicity

Simple Living, Walking by Faith
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The Simple Joys of a Rescue Dog

  • August 26, 2014 4:12 pm


Five years ago:  We had just buried our 10 year old Golden retriever.

Boris was a very large, noble dog. He had lost his sister Natasha to a heart attack three years prior.

Boris had lung cancer.

We had one golden sized hole in our home.

God had other plans.

The little rescue pup became our Mindy.

We swore we would never have a little dog.

We didn’t realize how very special they could be.

Mindy, grew up to look much like a Bichon.

She is the joy of the home.

God has a sense of humor.

Natasha’s absence was filled by a Golden named Morgan.

Mindy snuggles in her side, and kisses in her ears.

Mindy, among other things, does the Bichon Buzz.

Morgan doesn’t seem to mind.

Two cat boys are also loving Mindy.

God has a sense of humor. Through it all.

We have a home filled with much laughter.

Simple living means simply enjoying God’s gifts.

Even the furry ones.  Has a furry kid brought joy to your life?

Mindy the rescue dog

Mindy the rescue dog